Disclaimer – iluminr Capability Savings Calculator
iluminr provides the Capability Savings Calculator (the “Calculator”) as a free tool to help estimate potential time and cost savings when implementing iluminr’s resilience and capability-building solutions. The estimates generated by the Calculator are based on the information you provide and aim to assist in evaluating whether to further explore iluminr’s offerings. The accuracy of the Calculator’s estimates depends on how closely your inputs reflect your actual environment and circumstances.
The results generated by the Calculator are for guidance purposes only and are not guarantees of savings. Actual savings and improvements in efficiency may differ from the estimates provided, and there is no assurance that the results forecasted by the Calculator will be achieved. Additional factors, including costs not accounted for in the Calculator or variables specific to your deployment, may influence the actual economic results. Therefore, the savings generated by the Calculator should not be construed as a commitment, contract, or guarantee of any specific outcome.
We encourage you to view the results of the Calculator as part of a broader decision-making process rather than the sole basis for evaluating your investment in iluminr. No promises or warranties are made by iluminr regarding the accuracy of the estimates or the actual savings that may be achieved.
By using the Calculator, you acknowledge that the results are for informational purposes only, and iluminr assumes no liability for any decisions made based on these estimates. To the fullest extent permitted by law, iluminr will not be held responsible for any differences between the estimates and actual results. The Calculator is offered as a free resource, and no financial claims can be made in relation to its use.
Your use of the Calculator confirms that you have read and agreed to this Disclaimer, and you understand that any use of the results is at your own discretion. |