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Mastering Resilience: Lessons in Engagement

“My brain switch has shut off,” said my 6-year-old, sprawled out upside-down across the ottoman, as I was quizzing her on her sight words. Undoubtedly, this scene is playing out across many living rooms across the world as many of our kids head back to school. Back to school means back to routines, and the...

Gamechangers in Resilience: Pushing the Tide

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, adaptability has become an integral part of a company’s DNA. Recognizing the importance of agility in the modern workplace, iluminr introduced the ‘Gamechangers in Resilience’ interview series. This platform is dedicated to celebrating influential leaders who have championed flexibility and resilience within their organizations, among clients, and within their...

Winning the BCI APAC Awards 2023

iluminr shines in Continuity & Resilience   When Passion Meets Excellence Every year, the BCI APAC Awards recognize the achievements and innovation in the continuity and resilience industry. This year, we at iluminr are beyond thrilled to announce that our resilience engagement platform has been recognized in not just one, but two outstanding categories: Continuity...

Gamechangers in Resilience: A Resilient Organization is a Learning Organization

In the swiftly changing landscape of business, the ability to adapt has turned into a way of life for companies. Recognizing this pivotal element of the new world of work, iluminr has initiated the Gamechangers in Resilience interview series—a platform dedicated to honoring influential leaders who have spearheaded flexibility and resilience within their organizations, clients,...

Gamechangers in Resilience: Resilience Through Perseverance

In a rapidly shifting business environment, the ability to adapt has turned into a fundamental requirement for businesses. Recognizing this, iluminr has introduced the Gamechangers in Resilience interview series, a dedicated platform to honor influential leaders who have taken the lead in fostering adaptability and resilience within their organizations, clients, and communities. This series brings...

8 Essential Plays in the Winning Playbook for Risk and Compliance

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying ahead of the curve requires a dynamic approach that goes beyond traditional fixed-frame, static perspectives. iluminr’s recent webinar Game On: A Winning Playbook for Risk and Compliance was a thought-provoking and insightful dialogue on how to integrate the realms of Compliance, Risk, and Resilience to create a more...

Risk-savvy and compliant operations require a strategic approach, effective teamwork, and the ability to navigate challenges with agility. Watch this ondemand webinar to explore how scenario planning, microsimulations, and playbooks can empower organizations to become risk and compliance champions, and get ready to elevate your program to new heights, while scoring a decisive victory in the realm of regulatory adherence.

Microsimulations recognized in Gartner Hype Cycle for Legal, Risk, Compliance and Audit Technologies, 2024 Read more