Strengthening resilience
with microsimulations

2020 was a challenging year for both leadership and management teams. 2021 looks no different.

Amidst a global pandemic and parallel disruptions such as severe weather and civil unrest, there has been a reduced propensity from leaders to participate in traditional emergency management, crisis, and business continuity simulation exercises. Unfortunately, this is leading to the emergence of capability gaps in resilience, having dire consequences during critical events.

To assist in closing the capability gap, Catalyst Technologies are reengineering the resilience agenda with microsimulations.

Designed to be fast and thought-provoking, microsimulations aim to increase engagement in resilience and to reignite the discussion on critical risk and response across your organization.

This free 30-minute masterclass covers key considerations in developing a microsimulation program, including:

  • Key drivers for microsimulations
  • Critical ingredients for a successful microsimulation program
  • Live example of microsimulations development in iluminr

To register for the Microsimulations playbook referenced in the masterclass, click here:

Microsimulations recognized in Gartner Hype Cycle for Legal, Risk, Compliance and Audit Technologies, 2024 Read more