WebinarsFrom Setbacks to Comebacks: Personalized Strategies for Organizational Resilience

As a leader, are you focused on the continuity of your business, or its longevity?

In an era defined by constant change and unforeseen challenges, resilience has become an undeniable cornerstone of success for organizations. Organizations whose intent is to bounce back will likely survive the world of today, but those who intend to bounce forward will shape the world of tomorrow.

The driving force of that forward movement comes from an organization’s willingness to learn from past experiences and integrate those lessons. Forward-looking organizations are not only thinking about the resilience of their operations and supply chains, but they are also investing in the resilience of their people. Research demonstrates that resilience training for employees and leaders alike not only increases the well-being of the individual, but contributes greatly to the overall success, productivity, and innovation of the organization. As we explore the intricate relationship between personal and organizational resilience, this webinar will shed light on the transformative power of microsimulations and playbooks in bolstering resilience on both levels.

Join Katie Belfi, Resilience Coach and Consultant, and Paula Fontana, iluminr VP of Global Marketing, for an interactive discussion on actionable strategies that empower individuals, strengthen team cohesion and embed Resilience in your organizational DNA.

Resources shared in the webinar:


  • Paula Fontana – VP, Global Marketing | iluminr
  • Katie Belfi  – Resilience Coach and Consultant
Microsimulations recognized in Gartner Hype Cycle for Legal, Risk, Compliance and Audit Technologies, 2024 Read more