MediaBCI APAC 2022 Award Winner

We’re thrilled to announce that iluminr Microsimulations has won the BCI 2022 Resilience and Continuity Innovation Award! 🥇

iluminr Microsimulations was awarded for its innovative approach to helping practitioners deliver a more effective business continuity and resilience program.

The evolution of iluminr Microsimulations

During the Covid-19 pandemic, it became globally evident that e-Learning and annual simulation exercises had fallen drastically short of creating the muscle memory and response capability required for effective Business Continuity and Crisis Management.

iluminr took this challenge on, evolving our platform from being purely response driven, to incorporating preparedness and engagement, empowering teams to respond more effectively to any threat. With that, iluminr’s microsimulations were born.

Microsimulations became iluminr’s engagement pillar, focussed on building capability in resilience, organization-wide for our clients. Deployed as bite-size simulations, Microsimulations are carefully curated to create an “aha” moment for the participating team.

By combining neuroscience, gamification and decades of experience in annual simulation exercises, iluminr collaborated with resilience professionals worldwide to innovate the platform and Microsimulation methodology to:

  1. Create greater risk awareness of today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape
  2. Develop skills and response capability, at scale
  3. Create familiarization with an organizations’ existing toolsets, so their team know what tools to use and how to use them during a critical event
  4. Identify opportunities to validate response protocols, impact data and contingency strategies
  5. Deliver a reportable ROI on resilience

Subsequently, clients have now successfully been deploying Microsimulations across their organizations to reignite engagement in resilience and transformed the way employees experience preparedness.

Because Microsimulations are short, they have naturally been deployed on a more regular basis (often monthly), enabling organizations to simulate more threats throughout the year, as well as cover more stakeholders across the organization. Through our microsimulation catalogue, Resilience practitioners have dramatically reduced the resource burden required to incorporate stakeholders in resilience activities at all levels.

Additionally, iluminr microsimulations have been aligned with existing resilience regulatory and compliance requirements. This means that every microsimulation conducted can be used to meet regulatory requirements, while simultaneously building resilience all year round.

iluminr Microsimulations’ contribution to driving growth in business continuity and resilience

iluminr is assisting the growth and influence of resilience by modernizing the traditional approach of experiential learning (tabletop exercises) into the time-poor and complex modern-day environment.

By gamifying the experience, iluminr has been able to reach more stakeholders across each organization it is deployed within, to create a better experience with resilience activities and provide stakeholders at all levels a “lived experience” of modern threats. This is a critical ingredient to breaking down optimism bias*, to which 80% of the population is predisposed, causing an innate reluctance to prepare for a threat materializing.

Microsimulations have brought resilience programs everywhere to life and reignited engagement across many organizations for many continuity and resilience practitioners. Additionally, resilience practitioners now have the ability to demonstrate the value of resilience programs, putting resilience back on the agenda for executive teams.

Microsimulations help Practitioners break down optimism bias by delivering real-life simulations in small bite-sized chunks, essentially reminding people of possible threats, while helping to build muscle memory of response protocols.

Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2022 BCI APAC Awards!

Microsimulations recognized in Gartner Hype Cycle for Legal, Risk, Compliance and Audit Technologies, 2024 Read more