Third Party Risk ManagementWebinarsSpringing Into Action: Scenario-Based Solutions for Third-Party Risk.

As spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re ready to shake off the dust and tackle head-on one of organizations’ most pressing challenges: third-party risk management.

We’ve transitioned our Fall Wargame to Gameday London panel into a dynamic virtual format, tapping a panel of industry experts who delves into the power of scenarios in bolstering your third-party risk management framework.

This session explores strategies to:

  • Tidy Up Your Vendor Portfolio: Discover how scenarios offer a dynamic lens through which to assess and mitigate third-party risks, providing deeper insights into potential vulnerabilities and their impacts.
  • Cultivate Insight: Engage with our panelists as they share practical examples and case studies, illustrating how scenario analysis can drive proactive risk management strategies.
  • Clear the Clutter: Learn actionable steps for integrating scenario-based approaches into your existing risk management processes, enabling more informed decision-making and risk prioritization.

For a smoother viewing experience, here are the key moments marked with timestamps:

  • The new normal – 01:45
  • War stories around third-party challenges – 04:07
  • Empowering people to problem solve – 27:25
  • Scenario testing with suppliers – 33:45
  • Building effective scenario exercises  – 50:00

Key Takeaways:

  • Harnessing scenarios to anticipate and navigate emerging risks within your third-party ecosystem.
  • Leveraging scenario analysis to enhance due diligence and vendor assessment practices.
  • Fostering a culture of proactive risk management through scenario-based training and preparedness exercises.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take a fresh approach to your risk strategy and fortify your organization’s third-party risk management practices.





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