MicrosimulationsWebinarsProduct Masterclass: Wargaming with iluminr Microsimulations

With cybercrime costs expected to reach a staggering $8 trillion in 2023, it’s not surprising to see cyber threats darting up the priority list for many organizations. This alarming trend underscores the importance of being prepared for such threats. A recent industry forum poll revealed a concerning readiness gap in facing emerging cyber threats, like AI deepfakes, which can significantly disrupt operations.

Recognizing this challenge, this interactive Product Masterclass takes a unique approach. We’re excited to demonstrate how iluminr Microsimulations – an alternative to tabletop exercises, can be a game-changer in preparing an effective response to cyberattacks. These Microsimulations allow teams to simulate immersive cyber threat scenarios, offering a practical, hands-on experience in wargaming a response to a cyberattack. By engaging in these simulated exercises, participants can better understand their roles, identify weaknesses in their current strategies, and improve their overall readiness against such threats.



Microsimulations recognized in Gartner Hype Cycle for Legal, Risk, Compliance and Audit Technologies, 2024 Read more