ESGRising to the Challenge: Navigating a Natural World in Crisis

Organizations today are facing unprecedented and widespread challenges due to the disruptions in the natural world. Climate change, habitat destruction, pollution, and other environmental issues are posing significant risks to businesses and their operations.

In order to thrive in this era of disruption, organizations need to build greater agility  – gathering context quickly, building adaptive capability, and establishing networks of operating connectivity to respond effectively in changing circumstances.

The Impact of Natural Disruption on Important Services

Organizations operating in the financial services, insurance, and critical infrastructure sectors are particularly vulnerable to the disruptions in the natural world. These industries are intricately connected to the physical environment and rely heavily on stable and predictable natural conditions for their operations. However, the ripple effects of climate change are posing significant risks to these sectors, challenging their ability to operate effectively and sustainably.

For financial services organizations, climate change poses risks in the form of increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. These events can damage physical assets, disrupt value chains, and impact the value of investments. Additionally, changing environmental regulations aimed at mitigating climate change can introduce regulatory risks, increase compliance costs, and affect the financial performance of organizations.

The insurance sector faces challenges in assessing and managing the increasing risks associated with climate change-related events, such as insuring properties in high-risk areas or insuring against weather-related damages.

Critical infrastructure providers, including those responsible for energy, water, transportation, and technology, face risks such as disruptions in the availability and quality of natural resources, damage to infrastructure due to extreme weather events, and increased operational costs due to changing regulations and sustainability requirements.


7 Considerations for Thriving in Changing Times

In order to thrive in this era of disruption, organizations across all sectors need to build the muscle of adapting and responding effectively to changing environmental circumstances. This involves developing strategies and practices that enable organizations to anticipate, prepare, test, respond, and continuously learn from environmental disruptions.

To maintain the muscle for adaptivity in sustained and unpredictable natural crisis, firms must embrace and integrate new strategies and approaches into their business operations:

  1. Environmental Intelligence: Organizations increasingly need to develop a deep understanding of the environmental context in which they operate. This includes staying informed about the latest scientific research, monitoring environmental trends and impacts, and understanding the regulatory landscape.
  2. Risk Assessment and Scenario Planning: Organizations must assess the risks and vulnerabilities associated with environmental disruptions and develop scenario plans to understand potential impacts on their operations, investments, and regulatory compliance posture. This involves understanding the physical, regulatory, and reputational risks associated with climate change and other environmental issues, and developing strategies to manage and mitigate these risks.
  3. Innovation in Products and Services: Organizations can leverage their expertise and resources to develop innovative products and services that better serve the needs of businesses and communities navigating natural disruption and at the same time, promote sustainability by design. For example, financial services organizations are continuing to invest in new business models, sustainable investment products or green financing options, insurance companies are increasingly offering specialized climate-risk insurance, and critical infrastructure providers can invest in renewable energy and sustainable water management solutions. Embracing innovation can help organizations and communities not only mitigate risks, but also identify new growth opportunities in the changing environmental landscape. Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement through innovation and experiential learning sets organizations apart in an era of fast-paced and disruptive change.
  4. Sustainable Practices and Infrastructure: Organizations are adopting sustainable practices and infrastructure to reduce their environmental impact, improve efficiency, and enhance their resilience in the wake of resource scarcity and permacrisis. As examples of some of these changes underway, financial services organizations are implementing sustainable investment policies, insurance companies are incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in their underwriting process, and critical infrastructure providers are invest in resilient infrastructure designs that can withstand extreme weather events. Implementing sustainable practices and infrastructure help organizations mitigate risks, improve operational efficiency, and contribute to the sustainability of the natural world.
  5. Collaborative Networks: Organizations are fostering partnerships with stakeholders such as governments, NGOs, local communities, and other businesses to collectively address environmental disruptions. Collaborative networks can provide access to resources, expertise, and knowledge-sharing opportunities, enabling organizations to develop innovative solutions and advocate for sustainable practices. Whether it is teaming with NGOs on sustainable finance initiatives, working with climate research institutions on improved risk assessments, or engaging with local communities for sustainable resource management, we all play a role in sustaining the delicate operating environment that is planet Earth.
  6. Employee Engagement and Enablement: Organizations are increasingly investing in employee engagement and training programs to raise awareness and build capacity for environmental resilience. This includes providing training on climate risks and sustainability, engaging employees in sustainability initiatives, and promoting a culture of environmental responsibility. Employees can play a critical role in identifying business risks, generating innovative response strategies, and implementing sustainable practices, thus contributing to the overall resilience of the organization.
  7. Adaptive Leadership: Finally, and most importantly, leadership plays a critical role in building organizational resilience. Adaptive leadership involves being visionary, agile, and responsive in the face of disruptions. Leaders must foster a culture of innovation, encourage experimentation, and promote learning from failures. When leaders provide clear context, empower their people, and cultivate collaboration, the organization moves forward with clarity and confidence in ambiguity.



Build the Muscle Memory for Climate Resilience

Organizations that adopt proactive processes and technologies, such as threat intelligence, mass communications, microsimulations, event rooms, and adaptive response playbooks, are more effectively able to navigate the challenges posed by climate change and natural disasters and ensure the resilience of their organizations in the face of a changing climate.

Threat intelligence is a critical component of managing climate-related risks. Organizations gather and analyze data on potential environmental threats, such as weather patterns, sea level rise, ecosystem changes, and regulatory developments. This information can provide insights into potential impacts on operations, supply chains, investments, and regulatory compliance. By staying informed about the latest scientific research, monitoring environmental trends, and understanding the regulatory landscape, organizations can develop a deep understanding of the environmental context in which they operate.

Mass communications play a vital role in managing climate-related risks and disruptions. These tools, when integrated well into how teams operate, establish effective communication channels to disseminate relevant information to internal and external stakeholders. This includes sharing updates on climate-related risks, impacts, and response strategies, as well as providing guidance on sustainability initiatives and practices. Mass communications can help raise awareness, promote transparency, and facilitate coordinated actions among different departments, teams, and partners within the organization. They can also enhance stakeholder and shareholder engagement and trust, which are crucial for organizations to navigate a changing climate successfully.

Microsimulations are an intuitive, engaging, and efficient way for organizations to assess potential risks, evaluate different responses, and learn from failure in a controlled environment. By creating virtual simulations of potential climate-related disruptions in small, bite-sized exercises, organizations can test various scenarios, strategies, and response plans. For example, organizations can simulate the impacts of extreme weather events on their facilities, supply chains, or transportation networks to identify vulnerabilities and develop mitigation strategies. Microsimulations allow organizations to refine their decision-making processes, optimize their responses, and enhance their readiness to handle climate-related disruptions in real-world situations.

Event rooms and adaptive response playbooks offer centralized intelligence and predesigned response strategies to provide a 360-degree view into any situation and its impacts, while outlining the steps to be taken in the event of climate-related disruptions, including natural disasters. These playbooks provide a structured approach for organizations to respond effectively and efficiently to changing circumstances. Adaptive response playbooks include protocols for emergency response, crisis management, business continuity, and stakeholder communication. They can be customized in the moment to the specific risks and vulnerabilities faced by an organization reflecting changing environmental conditions. Adaptive response playbooks enable organizations to respond quickly, decisively, and in a coordinated manner, minimizing the impacts of climate-related disruptions and ensuring business continuity.


Organizations must recognize the urgent need to build organizational resilience in the face of disruptions in the natural world. By developing the muscle memory for resilience through environmental intelligence, risk assessment and scenario planning, innovation, collaborative networks, sustainable practices, employee engagement and training, and adaptive leadership, organizations can effectively navigate disruption and thrive in this era of accelerating change.

Embracing a proactive and forward-thinking approach, organizations can position themselves for long-term success while contributing to the sustainability of the natural world. It is time for organizations to build their resilience muscle for adaptation with intention and prepare for the challenges and opportunities of a changing planet.

Want to learn more about how organizations today are designing Resilience for a natural world in crisis? Join us for our upcoming webinar Resilience by Design: Embedding Learning for Success or watch the replay of our recent webinar Your Team’s Adaptive Guide to Gameday.



Paula Fontana

VP, Global Marketing


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