
iluminr's planned activities at DRJ Spring

Sunday – Tuesday  | Mar 12 – 14
All Day – iluminr Booth

Be a Game Changer

See how iluminr can help you do more with less! That’s better engagement and more impact, without draining your time, resources, and budgets. Come check us out and see for yourself!

iluminr solutions track

Sunday, March 12
4:00pm – 5:00pm
Solutions Track 

From Wargaming to Gameday Response

“When will it happen to us?” All over the world, business leaders have been fielding this question in the wake of disaster after disaster. The standard of excellence in preparation and response is always changing, and a confident, agile response can only be built through “story living” and deliberate practice.

The session will cover traits of high-performing crisis teams, building realistic simulations, identifying areas for improvement, and using iluminr Microsimulations and playbooks to scale learning and response.

Monday, March 13
12:30pm – 1:00pm
Live Demo at the iluminr Booth

Level Up Your Preparedness and Response Game

Join us for a live product demo where we’ll show you how iluminr helps to build the resilience muscle you need to handle anything that comes your way. In appreciation of your time, we have a gift for all who attend!

iluminr Microsimulations

Tuesday, March 14
8:00am – 9:15am
Plenary session

The World’s Greatest DEI Microsimulation

In this interactive session, you will participate in a live Microsimulation that will spark thought and discussion into a DEI-based approach to strengthening organizational resilience.
On the panel: Marcus Vaughan, James Green, Vanessa Vaughn Mathews, Lisa Jones

DRJ Panel Session

Tuesday, March 14
9:30am – 10.30am
Panel Session

Partnering with Information Security and Risk Management

The panel shares their experience on coordination and team-oriented plans win out when information security and risk management work together.
On the panel: Paula Fontana, Dan Bailey, Jordan Crotty, Richard Cocchiara

Book an iluminr Demo

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Your Personal Tour of iluminr

Take your resilience program from Wargaming to Gameday Response
Book a demo

Microsimulations recognized in Gartner Hype Cycle for Legal, Risk, Compliance and Audit Technologies, 2024 Read more